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Management salaries benchmark 2023

Management salaries benchmark 2023

In April 2023, we completed our Management salary benchmark project. The data are collected from companies that participated in our pilot project that held in February and March 2023 and refer exclusively to senior management roles in Serbia, including general and functional top country level. Our database has over 130 managerial positions and details that include:
• Annual gross income in EUR
• Percentage of maximal annual bonus (% of annual gross salary)
• Benefits that positions are entitled to
• Salaries inflation alignment
• Salaries alignment as regular salary increase

All management positions, and associated compensations and benefits are structured according to geographic location within Serbia, type and size of business in Serbia. In terms of industries, there are: automotive, electric and electronics, mechanical and electrical equipment, metallurgy and metal processing, packaging industry, FMCG industry and building materials industry. In terms of position functions, there are general management positions, finance management, technical management, production management, project management, supply chain management, quality management, HSE, sales, IT and HR management.

Salary data in our database are strictly confidential and we are not disclosing any individual data. The data serves as a basis for statistical analysis and the creation of custom-made reports. Based on your current or planned business in Serbia, we can create a salary benchmark report tailored for your needs. We will include positions of your interest, salary data (25th, 50th and 75th percentile of a relevant pool), the data about annual bonus and benefits, as well as local tendencies related to salaries alignment including inflation alignment and regular raises.

If you are interested, feel free to reach us!

In meantime, take a look at salary increase trends in 2023 and you will find out what part of the market has a regular annual salary increase, what part of the market has an increase based on inflation alignment, as well as the percentage increase amounts.


Ana Santovac, Partner
Dr. Heimeier Executive Search doo
Mob.: +381 63 24 66 50

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